2024: What’s in store?
Well here we are. It’s mid-January already! Say what?! Time is just flying by isn’t it.
I thought I’d take to my blog to update everyone on the latest from my world… and of course, share my Word Of The Year. After journalling and completing Unravel Your Year by Susannah Conway on the plane to Florida over the New Year period, I felt a call to this….
Yes, my word of the year for 2024 is: inspired.
This is an intention to keep coming back to as we together, move through the year. There’s loads of ways I am going to keep coming back to this - I am seeking to see the inspiration in people, in my clients, in things I do, in work, in travel - the places that I go. To really look to see what inspires. To see something new or different that I haven’t seen before. To inspire others in all that I do. To feel inspired on a regular basis. To actively pursue and take action on the things that I find inspiring.
That looks like:
Doing more of the things I love
Noticing the small things
Finding the joy
Being open, staying true to my values and always, always, always prioritising compassion
Returning to my why
Seeing the good in everything and everyone (which is mostly the human side!)
Realising life is in Technicolor
So now that I’ve established that, I’m holding myself accountable to my word of the year. Have you got a word or a set of goals for 2024? How are they going so far?

Pics above: taken by me and my hubby Matt when we were in South Florida at the back end of 2023. Miami & The Keys featuring a whole load of wildlife and food. We kicked off the year with a whole load of cultural and travel inspiration!!!
What am I working on right now that inspires then?
I'm delighted to be kicking off the year delivering a bespoke business development programme for Solihull Culture's (part of Solihull MBC) Core Creatives as part of my consultancy offering. I have just begun working with 20 Solihull based freelance creatives, artists and small arts organisations and, supporting them on their journey. Together we’re doing a business diagnostic, which is essentially seeking to uncover a baseline from which to establish what next. Development goals, business strategy & planning, income targets, sales, fundraising, establishing a practice… whatever is the next big thing for each person/organisation that is signed up. Exciting right?!
Of course, I'm continuing to work with fabulous clients on an ongoing basis, and they include Flexus Dance Collective in Wolverhampton, Wayne Sables Project in Doncaster, as well as the ever delightful Suzy & Jemma, Co-Directors at Impelo Cymru (in rural Powys) as they continue their transition out of the Welsh arts portfolio to a new future. It really is a change transformation process that I am taking them through and what a wild ride it is shaping up to be (in the best possible way!).
My co-leadership of Propel Dance continues as we welcome a new third Co-Director and constitute as an organisation. I’m thrilled to be starting a piece of work with Coventry University soon, based around their new Cultural Institute (the old IKEA building - omg that is also incredibly exciting!). I continue to work with my regular mentee clients and will soon be supporting organisation development with Next Door Dance in Nottingham.
Image free on Unsplash…. looking closely for inspiration everywhere I go….
I can’t wait to see how this first quarter pans out, bring it on!
Next, a story…..
I grew quite organically into leadership roles in most of my previous jobs, when I was last employed that is (which is now 2020!). They often felt like a natural next step given my role in the organisations and something I couldn’t help, it was so natural to me. There were many aspects of leadership that came easily to me but that didn’t stop the self doubt or some uncertainty about next steps when challenges arose.
In hindsight I would have massively benefitted from support beyond the organisation, learning from others (including a peer network) and from having a safe space to talk about what was going on for me.
I’ve had formal mentors on and off since about 2018, and probably since the start of my career (if I count previous bosses as inspiration, which I do and I regularly talk about one past boss in particular who I now count as friend). They have helped me alot.
Which brings me to now. I’ve worked with a few people new to leadership (as well as not so new…) and can see similar patterns arising. That person you could go to for support is me!
Perhaps you’re very new, taking on your first leadership role, have a particular challenge to deal with or you’ve got a leadership role at a new organisation and it feels like you’re at the beginning again. Maybe you’ve been in a role for 1-2 (or maybe many more) years and it hasn’t quite settled for you yet. Or something is broken. Or maybe you’ve received news of a drastic funding cut.
- if the above resonates with you
- you’d love to build a long lasting, supportive relationship
- you’re curious about working with a critical friend and to really seek out that person who has ‘got your back’
…then send me a DM or email me hello@amydaltonhardy.co.uk I have capacity for new pieces of work from April 2024.